S P A C E F E S T I V 2 0 1 2

Above: Apollo astronaut Alan Bean and I talking art technique - a bucket list fulfillment! Above photos credit: Andrew Chaikin.

Above: I had the great honor of listening to Apollo astronauts Gene Cernan and Dick Gordon describe spiritual aspects that they saw in my work, "Orinon Nebula M42". They both own a print of the painting. :-)
Photos credit: Jillene Straub #1 & 2, Lucy West #3

1) Dick Gordon:Gemini 11 & Apollo 12 2) Alan Bean: Apollo 12 & Skylab 3) Al Worden: Apollo 15 4) Mike Mullane: STS-27, 36 & 41
Photo credits: Andrew Chaiking #1, Jillene Straub #2 & #3

1) Alan Bean talking to Jillene Straub 2) Edgar Mitchell: Apollo 14 3)Paul Weitz: Skylab 1 & STS-6
Photo credits: Lucy West #1, Jillene Straub #2 & #3

Above: 1) Walt Cunnigham: Apollo7, Dot Cunningham, J. Strub and me 2) Charlie Duke: Apollo 16 3) Alan Bean
Photo credits: Jani Radebaugh #1, Jillene Straub #2, Phil Plait & Nick Howes #3

Above: 1) Gene Cernan: Gemini 9, Apollo 10, 17 2) Fred Haise: Apollo 13 3) Buzz Aldrin: Gemini 12, Apollo 11 4) Vance Brand: Apollo-Soyuz, STS-5, 35 & 41
Photo credit: Lucy West

Above: Hanging out with author Andrew Chaikin, Vickie Chaikin and Dick Gordon :-)
Photo credit: Lucy West

Above: Enjoying a lively discussion with Apollo astronaut AL Worden and ESA?astronomer Nick Howes.
Photo credit: Lucy West

Above: A birthday toast to Pete Conrad by Dick Gordon and Alan Bean during the dinner banquet.
Photo credit: Lucy West

Above: 1) Walt & Dot Cunningham 2) Planetary scientist Jani Radebaugh 3) Radebaugh & Jillene Straub

Above: 1) & 2) Lucy photo-bombing Charlie Duke! 3) Apollo astronaut Charlie Duke with award

1) Author and speaker Andy Chaikin 2) Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan 3 & 4) Apollo astronaut Al Bean & astronomer Phil Plait

Above: 1) Astronomers Phil Plait & Nick Howes 2) Lucy & Howes 3) Lucy and Plait 4) Space Broadcaster Robert Brand, Straub & Howes

Above: 1) Robert Brand & Lucy 2) Planetary scientists Dan Durda, Lucy & Plait

Above: 1) Meteorite Men's Geoff Notkin, space artist Kim Poor and planetary scientist Jane McArthur, Space broadcaster Robert Brand and Novaspace's staff Lisa White 2) Hayden Planetarium's Visual Director Carter Emmart & Lucy 3) lucy & SETI's Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak 4) Space Artists: Marilynn Flynn, Pam Lee, Michelle Rouch, Dan Durda, Lucy West, Mike Carroll

Above: 1) Author Colin Burgess 2) Jillene Straub & Nick Howes 3) Film maker Jeffery Roth, Comet Hale-Bop co-discoverer Alan Hale, Lucy, Howes, Straub 4) Geoff Notkin

Lucy & her big fluffy ribbon, Best in Show - "Orion Nebula M42"
About The Artist
Member of

International Association of
Astronomical Artists
You can also see Lucy's work at the following NASA sites:

Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory Operations

Lucy's work is also featured on
Discover Magazine by
'The Brush Strokes of Star Birth'

Astronomer Without Borders

The Art of Space
Find Lucy's work featured in
Ron Miller's beautiful book,
"The Art of Space"

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